LazyVim: Deeper into NeoVim

less than 1 minute read

LazyVim 💤

LazyVim is a NeoVim plugin manager. It comes with a bundle of plugins that the author/community has vetted to be working quite well together.

It makes managing nvim plugins and configuring them to your tastes quite easy and pleasant to do. I’ve been having a blast with it.

LazyVim in NeoVide with Solarized dark colorscheme

Solarized ☯

The first thing that I did was to install and configure Solarized colorscheme.

In LazyVim, I simply created a solarized.lua file in ~/.config/nvim/lua/plugins directory.

return {
  -- add Lua-scriptable solarized color scheme
    lazy = false,
    name = "solarized",
    main = "solarized",
    priority = 1000,
    -- See:
    opts = {
      -- See:
      styles = {
        -- Turn off the bolding of keywords syntax that this particular scheme does
        keywords = { bold = false },
    config = function(plugin, opts)
      vim.o.background = "light"
      vim.cmd.colorscheme = "solarized"

  -- configure LazyVim to load solarized
    opts = {
      colorscheme = "solarized",

I quite enjoyed how much more structured that process was, especially NeoVim’s scriptability with Lua.

In NeoVide, this looks 🔥

LazyVim in NeoVide with Solarized light colorscheme LazyVim in NeoVide with Solarized light colorscheme LazyVim in NeoVide with Solarized light colorscheme