Solarized & Selenized Colorscheme Cheatsheet
I liked vim-easymotion in plain Vim. hop.nvim is the NeoVim equivalent. I had to script the keybindings (with which-keys so that they can be displayed as key...
LazyVim also comes with the “ibl” (indent-blankline.nvim) plugin that renders vertical lines (by default, with the | character) as indent guidelines. I don’t...
LazyVim 💤
Alacritty is a cross-platform terminal emulator that’s GPU-accelerated with OpenGL and is written in Rust. I find that developer tools written in Rust, a lan...
I want to embed a Nerd Font patched font on this site. If it works, it should be able to render the following glyphs.
M3 components
I love Solarized color scheme. I use it everywhere I code.
I spent this weekend building this personal site of mine.
I spent the day building Kit Adam today. 楽しかったよ。